The Short History and Sociology of the Mundari people

About The Book

The Short History and the Sociology of the Mundari People is a wake-up call to Mundari self-discovery and the description of social, economic, leadership, governance and various different facets of the Mundari people.

For a long time, the Mundari people, including their contribution, alongside their fellow South Sudanese, to the liberation struggle that led to the country’s independence and sovereignty, has been dormant and undocumented. This is despite the first soldiers to mutiny in 1955 were Mundari of the Equatoria corps who fired the first bullets of the liberation struggle to the current South Sudan Sovereignty.

Contemporary Mundari leaders like Major General Clement Wani Konga strove to unite this diverse community; one that is linguistically different and has different historical migration patterns and clan origins to most South Sudanese tribes. How they united as a tribe practicing a single culture remains a mystery.

The Short History and the Sociology of the Mundari People puts into perspective their migration history narrative even though the community is overwhelmed with issues but has a path to self-discovery and awareness in historical, educational, political, cultural and social domains. 

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